Tax Calculator

Calculate Your Tax

Taxation is a dirty word to most, as everyone is trying to minimize their tax.

RoBep helps you to minimise your tax by claiming all your legitimate deductions.

Looking to calculate your tax from your take home Pay after tax?

Click here and put gross income into the following screen, remember to change your pay cycle.

Check if you are claiming the tax free threshold or not.

Looking to calculate your tax for the year?
First you need to calculate your Taxable Income.

Taxable Income = Gross Income (Income you received + Tax Paid) Less your deductible expenses.

Then click here and put it into the following screens. This will calculate the tax.

To see if you have a refund or payable you now need to do another calculation

A = Taxable Income (TI) $ , .XX

B = Tax Calculated $ , .00

C = Add Medicare Levy 1.5% of TI $ , .00

D = Add Surcharge 1% of TI if No Health Insurance $ , .00

E = Calculate Tax To pay (B + C + D) $ , .00

F = Less Tax You Have Paid

Tax (Refund) Payable E - F

if -Negative = Refund

If +Postive = Payable